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SPSC Symposium

5th Symposium on Security and Privacy in Speech Communication

August 16th

Speech and voice are media through which we express ourselves. Speech communication can be used to command virtual assistants, to transport emotion or to identify oneself. How can we strengthen security and privacy for speech representation types in user-centric human/machine interaction?

Interdisciplinary exchange is in high demand. The need to better understand and develop user-centric security solutions and privacy safeguard in speech communication is of growing importance for commercial, forensic, and government applications. The SPSC Symposium is a platform to seek better designed services and products as well as better informed policy papers for legislators and governance. The symposium is organized by the ISCA SPSC special interest group .

Last year's Proceedings

The proceedings are available via the ISCA Archive.

The fifth edition of the Symposium on Security & Privacy in Speech Communication, focuses on speech and voice through which we express ourselves. As speech communication can be used to command virtual assistants to transport emotion or to identify oneself, the symposium encourages participants to give answers on how we can strengthen security and privacy for speech representation types in user-centric human/machine interaction? The symposium therefore sees that interdisciplinary exchange is in high demand and aims to bring together researchers and practitioners across multiple disciplines – more specifically: signal processing, cryptography, security, human-computer interaction, law, ethics, and anthropology. This symposium provides a venue for ongoing research stemming from the past successful workshops from the ISCA special interest group on Security & Privacy in Speech Communication (SPSC-SIG), where views of technological and humanities communities nurture one another to develop multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary skills.

For the general symposium, we welcome contributions to related topics, as well as progress reports, project dissemination, or theoretical discussions and “work in progress”. In addition, guests from academia, industry and public institutions as well as interested students are welcome to attend the conference without having to make their own contribution. In addition to the regular submissions, the participants of the VoicePrivacy Attacker Challenge will be invited to submit the extended versions of their challenge contributions.

Although, we aim for meeting all of you on-site, we also opt for virtual presentations during the symposium.


April, 05

Paper submission opens

May 10

Paper submission deadline

June, 30th

Acceptance Notification

July, 15th

Final (camera ready) paper submission

August, 16th


Organizing Committee

Ingo SIEGERT, Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany

Sneha DAS, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark

Natalia TOMASHENKO, Inria, France

M.A. (Martha) LARSON, Radboud University, The Netherlands

MEHTAB UR RAHMAN, Radboud University, The Netherlands

Program Committee


Ajinkya Kulkarni, Idiap Research Institute, Switzerland

Brij Mohan Lal Srivastava, Nijta, France

Candy Olivia Mawalim, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Japan

David Boyle, Imperial College London, UK

Emmanuel Vincent, Inria, France

Gerald Penn, University of Toronto, Canada

Hemlata Tak, Pindrop, USA

Ingo Siegert, Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany

Jennifer Williams, University of Southampton, UK

Junichi Yamagishi, National Institute of Informatics, Japan

Korbinian Riedhammer, Nuremberg Institute of Technology, Germany

Lin Zhang, National Institute of Informatics, Japan

Md Sahidullah, TCG CREST & Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research (AcSIR), India

Natalia Tomashenko, Inria, France

Nick Evans, EURECOM, France

Pierre Champion, Inria, France

Sarina Meyer, University of Stuttgart, Germany

Sebastian Le Maguer, University of Helsinki, Finland

Simon King, University of Edinburgh, UK

Sneha Das, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark

Tim Polzehl, DFKI, Germany

Tom Bäckström, Aalto University, Finland

Xiaoxiao Miao, Singapore Institute of Technology, Singapore

Xin Wang, National Institute of Informatics, Japan

You (Neil) Zhang, University of Rochester, USA

Ziqian Luo, Carnegie Mellon University, USA